GENMEDA Associate Members

Office of the Environment of Corsica - National Botanical Academy of Corsica (CBNC)

Type ALt here

Country: France | Region: Corsica

The Office of the Environment of Corsica (OEC), founded in May 1993, is an Industrial and Commercial Public Institution (EPIC) on which the Region with a measure of autonomy of Corsica (CTC) exercises its power of supervision.

The OEC’s mission is to finance, follow and develop programmes of protection and management of the flora and the wildlife of Corsica. It consists of several departments, among which the Monitoring Centre Academy of Insects, the Monitoring Centre of the Environment and the National Botanical Academy of Corsica (CBNC).

The CBNC activities are diverse and are concerned in particular with:

  • the inventory of the flora and habitats of Corsica and its satellite islands
  • the mapping of habitats
  • the management of a database of about 300,000 data (flora and habitats)
  • missions of research on behalf of public authorities and the services of the state
  • the conservation of flora and habitats.

The conservation actions are especially directed to in situ conservation (e.g. realisation of National Plans of Action, studies and fight against the invasive exotic species, and the implementation of management measures).

Since 2013, the CBNC has been equipped with a small unit for ex situ conservation, which allows to promote the development of a sector for the production of seeds and certified local plants.

The CBNC working team consists of 10 botanists and phytosociologists.


Carole Piazza,

Tel: +33495345565

cbn corse logo
