Real Jardin Botanico

Real Jardín Botánico, CSIC

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Acronym of name: RJB, CSIC and BGVMA (Germplasm Bank)
Country: Spain | Region: Madrid

The RJB, CSIC was founded in 1755 and is part of the Spanish Research Council (Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, CSIC), the largest research institution in Spain. It was declared a Major Scientific Facility because of its historically significant collections, including the Herbarium, Library and Archives.

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The mission of the RBG is to explore the diversity of organisms, with particular emphasis on the plants, fungi, protists, algae, lichens and mosses that inhabit the planet, to understand how this diversity has arisen, to study its evolution and to promote its conservation, thereby contributing to the generation, application and social appropriation of knowledge.

The Germplasm Bank (BGVMA) was founded in 1982 with the primary objective of conserving wild species from the Iberian Peninsula and the Mediterranean Region, either dried or frozen. We currently conserve more than 3300 species. Our priorities are:

  1. Endemic, threatened and rare species from the Iberian Peninsula.
  2. All species from the Amarillydaceae, Iridaceae and Liliaceae Families.
  3. Endemic, threatened and rare species, and species from the 6 LIC zones within the Community of Madrid. In response to the Convention on Biological Diversity-CBD (Rio de Janeiro, 1992), our institution supplies seeds and other plant material only in accordance with the Code of Conduct for Botanic Gardens. Our institution is a member of IPEN (International Plant Exchange Network) and every year the Index Seminum catalogue is published online.

The BGVMA is also a member of the REDBAG (Spanish Seedbank Network for Wild Plant Species Germplasm), established in 2002.


Director: Prof. Dr. María-Paz Martín,
Germplasm Bank curator: Silvia Villegas,
Plaza de Murillo, 2.
Madrid E-28014
Tlf: +34 914203017
